Stage I (2023): Building inclusive concepts of sexual and reproductive health(care)
- Planning Workshop to refine research questions and project design in consultation with indigenous women.
- Co-production of the Ethics Code.
- Ethical approval for carrying out interviews.
- Literature review on SRH, SRR, RJ.
- Interviews with community leaders and women.
- Feed-forward Workshop 1 with Indigenous women and leaders to report of initial findings and identify knowledge gaps for WPII.
- Article on Indigenous conceptions of SRH, SRR and RJ.
Stage II (2024): Building Inclusive SRH laws and policies:
- Literature review and doctrinal and policy analysis.
- Interviews with policy makers and activists.
- Training for policy-makers and Indigenous activists concerning the creation and implementation of inclusive SRH policies
- Feed-forward Workshop 2 with activists and policy makers to report findings & identify remaining knowledge gaps for WPIII.
- Article on the violations of SRR, implementation gaps in Northeast Brazil and the creation of inclusive healthcare policies.
- Special Issue of Direito Publico Journal on ‘Building Reproductive Justice with Indigenous Women’ – expected contribution from SRR experts, socio-legal scholars, legal anthropologists.
Stage III (2025): Building inclusive sexual and reproductive healthcare practices:
- Literature review on healthcare professions and traditional healers.
- Interviews with healthcare professionals and traditional healers.
- Training for healthcare professionals providing SRH services to Indigenous women.
- Launch of Project Report.
- Article on the interaction between traditional and official medicine and the creation of inclusive SRH services.
- Project Report with guidelines on building reproductive justice through inclusive and culturally sensitive sexual and reproductive healthcare.
- Educational materials for healthcare professionals and Indigenous communities, co-produced with local artist.